Originally Posted by jaguartx
Libs are winning at destroying this country by taking the gloves off and fighting dirty. Is our country worth fighting dirty to save?

God stuck with David through his crime of adultery and murder for a reason and used David to save Israel. He did deal with him later and brought him back to righteousness.

What Paul Ryan and McConnell are trying to do is turn the Al senate over to an anti 2A anti American.

Why didnt they throw McLame under the bus on hearing of his accusers? Because he is part of the swamp.

Im beginning to believe Moore more and more.

The charges are credible but the commies didnt want him to have his day in court. There probably is a good reason why.

There have been many times in my life when faced with controversy, I chose to take the "high road" instead of the "low road"....in other words, rather than make a scene, or create more controversy, I kept my mouth shut and let the matter slide. BUT.....if faced with a life threatening matter, or if my country was at risk, I'd take the low road, and any road in between to save it.

This is, and always has been my problem with Republicans. They want to act so damn "high and mighty", and act like they're above getting down in the trenches and fighting for what they believe in. They talk about how much they love this country.......well, if that's so, then act like it and fight for it.