Originally Posted by KFWA
I can't imagine it was common practice in 1990 or 1979 for 16 year old girls to get married, even in the rural south.

I was 16 in '82, and I was in rural Kentucky - and don't try to tell me that is more "progressive" than rural Alabama, and that wasn't common. It happened but to say its common I believe is too much of a generalization.

I'm thinking maybe 4 out of 100 at best. Now 17, 18? - summer after high school graduation - different story. maybe as high as 20 out of 100.

Now in areas where there is nothing but farming, I'm sure those numbers are higher, but I still can't believe it was common.

You guys are out of touch with how it worked around here.

My wifes parents married in 1970 at the ages of 30 and 17. Her grandparents married at 36 and 16. 4 out of 100 is way low.

The deep south in WWII all the way through Vietnam was poor (and still is for the most part). Most women/girls in that time period were looking for a provider. They were lucky to have plumbing and electricity at home. They needed a way out. Established older men that could provide was desirable for teen girls and their parents. There was none of that touchy feely crap, no Valentines Day roses, it was survival.

Moore served his younger years in Vietnam. Not much dating going on over there. Came home, got a law degree, and was quite the catch for young women. Of course he took advantage of that. Duh.

It isn't that we blindly follow here in Bama, quite the opposite. We know what the hell is going on in this situation while the rest of the country gets fleeced. He hasn't even been accused of breaking any laws. This whole thing has SWAMP written all over it.