When I was in high school (1983 graduate) I was crazy about a pretty little blond girl my age but could not get the time of day from her. She was ALWAYS dating much older guys and I think she was pretty proud of it. Told me flat out one time that I was cute but was still just a "boy" and she liked MEN....we were both 17. She wound up marrying a guy in his 40's when she was 24.

Both myself and the guys I went to church with dated younger girls in their teens when we were in our twenties. One of them asked me out. We were "looking for wives" and they without doubt were looking for husbands, and a bunch of those situations led to marriages. These young girls looked at an older guy who had a car and a job as "mature" and her parents were on board or chances are the dating would not have gotten off the ground.

I also smell a rat. I imagine Ole Roy was viewed as quite the catch by both the girls AND their parents. A lawyer and a DA? Umm yeah. Would not surprise me one bit if some of these girls were not pushed by their mothers to "get him" and it would not surprise me one bit if he jilted some of them and they are getting "payback" and a few bucks to boot.

A wise man once said it takes two to tango. He said that because it does.

Last edited by RJY66; 11/15/17.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn