Originally Posted by whackem_stackem
Originally Posted by larrylee
Originally Posted by whackem_stackem
My question is,
In 1979 was a 14 yo girl considered under age in Alabama?

In 1979 was your head up a Muzzie's ass?

No it wasn't. Is yours now?
Are you saying that in the south it wasn't common for 14-15 yo girls to be married and have kids? Some southern states had very young age of consent.

16 was the age of consent. There were several girls I grew up with that were pregnant before they turned 16, usually to someone older than them. This was late 80's/early 90's. I know one girl that was married the day after she turned 16 to someone her father picked out who was probably 20-25 years older than her. It was a common practice for there to be a big age difference between married couples here. There is a 14 year age difference between Moore and his wife.