I remember Beemans Pepsin Gum that made you Fart like crazy in School and on the Playground . I remember those miniature Wax soda bottle shaped thingies filled with sweet syrup . I remember flipping Playing Cards with Baseball Players on them . I remember listening to Big John and Sparky every Saturday morning , and catching the latest Tarzan Movie with a buddy whose father ran the local Movie Theater ( we got in free , but I think kids paid 13 cents or maybe it was 26 cents Admission ) . I remember the weekend Dances where I stepped on all the little girls feet . I remember the first TV in the neighborhood ( my Aunt & Uncle owned it ) and all the neighbors would come over Saturday around 10 or 11 PM and watch Yukon Eric , Gorgeous George , Hans Schmidt , Vern Gagnea , Haystack Calhoon , etc . Wrestle . Those were the good ol days !