Originally Posted by molly
I remember going to the store to get tubes for the radio. I would take the old tube with me to match it up.

I also remember walking to the gas station to get a gallon of gas for the mower, I'd get the gas plus a candy bar, only took a quarter with me. Don't remember if I got change or not.

Yes, definitely, I remember taking several tubes out of an old TV to the store. There was a large metal cabinet full of tubes,
and the top of the cabinet had all sorts of sockets to plug your suspect tubes into, to test them.
When you figured out which one(s) were bad, you opened the cabinet door and matched the number to find the new tube you needed.

Taking the gallon can to the gas station for mower gas, 20 cents would get the can nearly full with a nickel left over for the Hershey Bar.


"If you don't know where you're going, you may wind up somewhere else".
Yogi Berra