Originally Posted by RockyRaab
Manual choke and throttle pull knobs on the dash. Headlight "brights" switch on the floor. Starter button on the floor. Chevy's "steal me" ignition locks that didn't require a key. Glass oil bottles with screw-on metal spouts at every gas pump. Rayon-belted bias tires. A hole in the front bumper where you inserted the manual start crank. Nash Ramblers (?) with the "rolling bedroom" full recline seats.

That's just some of the car stuff!

funny story about that...my dad was a mechanic for years. He worked in a Dodge garage for a while. One time a lady brought in her car and said it wasn't running right. Dad worked it over, checked the carb , etc. and couldn't find a thing wrong. A couple days later, she was back, same problem. Dad worked on it again and couldn't find anything. 3d time and the boss was getting unhappy. This time Dad had her drive while he tested it. The 1st thing she did was pull out the choke knob and hang her purse on it. Dad asked her what she was doing and she said that knob didn't do anything and was a good place for her purse.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.