Bolt action shotguns with full chokes, the wonderful smell of paper shot shells after you shot them, .22 long rifle shells for 50 cents a box of 50, taking your .22 rifle to junior high school to shoot it at the range under the football stands after school (most schools had a small bore range), actually shooting two pheasants and four rabbits (the limit) per day during hunting season in Ohio, no deer, turkeys, coyotes, or geese at all, shooting clubs getting free 30-06 ammo and free rifles from the US government to encourage civilian marksmanship, tuition at a good private university of $1750 per year, full size convertibles, tires that only lasted 20,000 miles, Chevy sedans with the back seat optional (otherwise you got a board to sit on), coal oil (kerosene) lanterns in case of power failure, stoking the furnace with coal at night and getting up early to relight it, two newspapers per day, and only hree TV channels--if you had a TV. Those were the days.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.