Originally Posted by wabigoon
Some folks collect the six ounce Coke bottles. There is a code on them that tells when, and where they were made.

I remember reading the bottoms of coke bottles where they had the place they
were made imprinted, from all the cases of them at my Grandfather's store
at his gas station...and imagine all the distances they had traveled and how
many times they'd been refilled...kinda like wonder where a bottle had been
that had washed up on a beach...

his coke machine, was a large old cooler, filled with water, and cooled
by a motor underneath.. weren't as cold as out of a refrigerator.. but no one
seemed to care..

Funny how in those day, an 8 ounce coke seemed to hit the spot, and nowadays
how many people do you see walking out of a 7/11 with a 44 oz "Big Gulp"...
no wonder Diabetes is rampant in today's society...

When they went to larger coke bottles, I remember people putting them
back in the coke crates out front, and many of them were not completely
empty... we had to pour them all out into the storm drain, as coke wouldn't
pick up the crates if the bottles weren't all empty...

Like the old song. "those were the days my friends, we thought they'd never end"....

In the same vein, how many remember their grand parents talking about their old days
and how much better and simpler they thought those were...my grandfather was born
in 1907 and my grandmother in 1911....

and grandpa thought you never needed much more than a 30/30, a 12 gauge,
and his favorite gun, since Rabbit and Squirrel were his favorite two forms of meat..
his Savage 24 in 22 LR on top and .410 shotgun on the bottom...

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez