Originally Posted by pete53
do you gentlemen understand the written law on firearms in America ? do you understand firearm laws how they differ in Australia,Canada ,England ,others and understand them ? Why would anyone ever continue to accept the firearm laws of Australia,Canada,England or any other country who denies that right to a lawful tax paying person to own and keep firearms at home for protection,hunting or target practice fun when they want to use them in a lawful manner?also private sales of legal firearms is private sales and should have remained that way in all countries. to many laws from government is a liberal thing that leads to socialism and that does not work well. some of you say Americans are not as free as I think ? well I can walk in any firearm store and buy a firearm and walk out with it in less than a half hour with ammo take it home and where I live lawfully shoot that firearm all day any day sunrise to sunset so in your country can you ? plus I can give that legal firearm as a gift to my son or daughter lawfully with no government paper work also . can you ? who`s more free ?

Do you know what Socialism is?
I bet you dont.
Do you know how socialist your country is. Bet you don't.
You enjoy the Socialism in your country everyday, oblivious to that fact.
And you even hope to become dependant on socialism one day. And you don't even know that.

Public owned, taxpayer funded anything, is in fact socialism.
It works better than pure capitalism, but, you don't understand that either.
Gun grabbing is more communist, but it's not a goal, just a side effect.

Taking guns with an aim to make a people subservient is actually Totalitarian.
But you didn't know that.
Or, what it is.

Now, there has not been a country that fit any of these pigeon holes in your lifetime.
They have been a combination of several.

Fascism was probably the purist system. Only because the definition is wrapped around the examples.
And experts don't really agree on what exactly Fascism is.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!