Originally Posted by MtnBoomer
Has anyone disputed that the problem is here? Uhh, nope.

Yes, yes they have. I've been told at least a hundred times, that it's on my phone, it's a carrier issue, it's some outside hacker, it's the man in the moon, but it surely wasn't this site. I must have clicked on something, said yes to some mailing, or stomped on my dick in some other way, but it wasn't the site. I must be wrong.

The problem is here. If you can solve it with AB+ for your access, so be it. But it's not an option for me. It's a company account, and I can't buy it, download it for free, or borrow it from a friend. It's not allowed on this company device, period. It's not a matter of being lazy, broke, stupid, or being programming illiterate. It's been denied access by the owner of this property. It ain't happening.
It ain't about being cheap, I have an engineering program on here that cost more than $200.00 when it was loaded, per phone. There's another for automatics that is closer to $800.00 if I get certified for inspections. (It is continuing education in my field).
There will be no unauthorized alterations to this phone.
If this site is a danger to this working tool, my phone access will Cease.

An unemployed Jester, is nobody's Fool.

the only real difference between a good tracker and a bad tracker, is observation. all the same data is present for both. The rest, is understanding what you're seeing.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~