Originally Posted by LJB
A big problem is still present. Don't know if it's the same everyone is talking about, but here's what I'm seeing:

Viewing site on iPhone on WiFi I am redirected to hoovergardengiftcenter.ooo with the following pop-up:

Congratulations, Dear Comcast Cable Communications LLC user,

We are holding a christmas
celebration to loyalty users.

Please click "OK" to continue to your reward.

Cancel OK

At this point my browser (Safari) is completely locked up. Switching on/off does NOT clear the problem. Neither does terminating the Safari app and restarting.

The same problem exists using AT&T LTE for data instead of WiFi. Previously I reported the problem did not exist on cell data connection. This is not true. I just reproduced the problem on AT&T LTE network. Here the pop-up reads:

Congratulation, Dear AT&T Mobility LLC User,

We are holding a christmas
celebration to loyalty users.

Please click "OK" to continue to your reward.

The problem DOES NOT occur on my MacBook Pro on WiFi. I do not have ad blockers of any sort installed on my iPhone or my MacBook Pro. The site is completely unusable on an iPhone and safari. I have not tried any other browser.

Well, at least I know it's not unique to my phone...