Originally Posted by 603Country
I always used the stinking ones for coyote bait, and mostly still do, but have found how to get the stink out of the meat. A local central Texas woman hog hunter said to debone the meat, ice it down with salt for 3 days (adding salt and ice as needed, and draining off the water), then a day or two over ice with no salt, again draining off the water. Shortly after hearing that, the grandson showed up to hopefully kill a hog for his freezer at college (starving college kid). All he could do was take a boar. A real smelly one, and about 125 pounds or so. We put it over the ice, with salt as the woman suggested. Then the wife put some of the backstrap on the grill to see if we were successful. The meat was terrific, with no stink at all.

As the woman told me, the stink is in the blood. Get the blood out and you get the stink out.

Too much work for me. I like your first idea "" Coyote bait". Too many pigs to worry.