Originally Posted by ingwe
Originally Posted by EdM
I was hunting buffalo in Zimbabwe in 2017 just as the Mugabe "outster' was starting. A trip into Vic Falls for supplies found no butter, cooking oil, etc. No US dollars either. In the end, it was a great hunt. Forward to 2019 with a buffalo, roan, etc., hunt in Burkino Faso I booked in 2017. I received an email from my booking agent late 2018 that they were shutting down hunting due to Jihadist moving that way. I requested a refund of my deposit and a couple of months later received another email learning that the camp I was to stay in was burned and destroyed. Certainly there is geopolitical risk hunting hunting there.

I hear you Ed...I was in Namibia in 1987 when they were " struggling for independence..." and Mandelas ANC blew up my car and my motel....Fast forward to 2000 and I was in Zim when Mugabe sent his boy out with notice that they were seizing the land we were on....

Ingwe, I’m glad I wasn’t with you..😉. But, in Namibia in ‘07, at the place you and Mule Deer recommenced, while I had a good time and met some fine folks from the RSA who happened there at the same time, I sensed strong resentment from our young driver and “scout.” Our PH was paternalistic toward “his” blacks but certainly a strict segregationist, even in the eating of lunch off the tailgate of his Toyota.

Of course, as I’ve seen in other parts of Africa, houses of whites in Windhoek were compounds with security wire and cameras. Apparently, they had to be.