Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by David_Walter
This is why people who spend a lot time around guns, like Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch, have a personal policy of not leaving the US, because just about everything you need, except African dangerous game, can be hunted somewhere in the US.

You sure can, if you don't mind a $13,000 bill for kudu bulls, $6000 eland and gemsbok, etc. African game prices for TX ranches are a joke IMHO.

And people who ridicule hunting in South Africa because "the game is behind a fence" will cough up more money to hunt the game in Texas behind a fence!

Often the argument is "it's cheaper to hunt kudu in Texas, I don't have to fly to Africa".

BS! My airfare to East London, including a night in a hotel in Johannesburg, just cracks $2000 CAD. If I shot a Cape kudu, it would cost less than $1500 CAD. I can get a daily rate of around $300 CAD. A week of hunting would be $2100 CAD. A kudu in the RSA wound only cost $6600 CAD. In a week of hunting, I could shoot a number of other animals and still not break $13000 USD.

Those who think the hunting is so easy, can pay for nightly massages for my aching feet and legs.