DNA thing is really not so mystical. DNA is prone to mistakes, and basically small sections can have periodic typo errors. In human DNA there is 6 billion base pairs. 3 base pairs encode for a specific amino acid on the protein (polypeptide) chain. Amino acids come in two basic groups, water fearing, and water liking. So when assembled in a chain, the protein chain forms a 3D configuration due to the stress interaction from the hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids.
So all corn in a field has the same DNA except for one stalk. That unique stock took a hit from UV radiation from the sun during growth. So it's DNA is changed from the rest of the corn in the field.
So for example, lets say the DNA change deals with stock diameter. So the seeds from these couple of ears will be different the next planting. This random sun induced mistake will carried on to the seeds.
Next year the corn field sees a wind storm, and the only stocks that survive are the thicker ones. So the mutation survives, and becomes the new standard. Just as likely there was a small stock version, and it gets wiped out with the standard diameter stocks.
DNA is not planned, it is trial and error. Mistakes can be good or bad. Bad mistakes, like albino deer get eaten by predators fast because albinos lake stealth. So that mistake gets removed.

The next thing to grasp is millions and millions of years of trial and error with millions and millions of experiments per day.

Hence Darwin.

DNA does not point to the need for an authoritarian church.