Originally Posted by satx78247

The reason that members don't like posting sources is:

1. Many people, who request "sources", want to waste the person's time looking for exact sources.
(Frankly, I used to go do the sort of searching to prove a point but QUIT, when I figured out how few people really needed/wanted the information.)
2. SOME "requesters" just want to argue about something OR they are just trolling.
3. SOME "requesters" want the requested information but are too slothful to do their own research & would prefer that someone else go do the work for them..
4. SOME "requesters" ask for sources just to try to avoid revealing that their opinion just might be incorrect.
5. Any number of other possibilities.

It's my OPINION that BEFORE a member asks for sources that they should do their own research & see if the original commenter is correct.

yours, tex

Somehow, I suspect that Mule Deer has spent considerably more time than you have researching the history of cartridge development.

When a member states a "fact" that is at odds with the results of another member's research and personal experience, that member is certainly entitled to ask for source(s) that identify the origin of the conflicting statement as well as sources that support the conflicting statement.

It's not a matter of being lazy or argumentative--it's an attempt to nail down pertinent information. It's called learning.

Last edited by mudhen; 04/30/19.


Some days it takes most of the day for me to do practically nothing...