Originally Posted by UPhiker
Originally Posted by dla
Glock USED to be the best alternative to a revolver, 1911, BHP and all generations of S&W pistols. But that was long ago.
Now Glock is just a name that noobs associate with quality - kinda like Colt. Experienced shooters are less likely to shell out $600 for a pistol they can buy from S&W for $350 (and S&W's warranty is much better than Glock's).

Who spends $600 on a Glock? Who cares about Glock's warranty as it's almost never needed. We've had Glocks in our rental program for several years (same gun) and only had 2 failures---one slide crack and one left rear guide rail broke, both on 17's with tens of thousands of rounds through them.

Who cares what you think? Obviously you haven't wandered into a sporting goods place and checked prices. Noobs don't buy their 1st handgun online - because the process is daunting.
And who cares what your supposed reliability experiences mean since you don't compare them to anything? The fact is that S&W makes a customer feel better. And if you do need service, (which noobs do sometimes), S&W is very nice to them.

The fact is that Glock is living off of it's name and mindless fanboys.