Coons love corn. A few years ago I decided to plant some silver queen in Dad's garden spot where he always made tons of it. Everything was going great, the corn was beautiful. Almost at the very moment some of it started to mature and it was time to start looking for ears with some dark silks, I went over one morning and it looked like a tornado had hit the patch. Coon tracks everywhere and they had pulled down most of the stalks eating or more correctly partially eating the ears. At first, they seemed to really prefer the big nice ears with no silk worm damage but as I recall, they eventually got all of it.

Dad never had trouble with them. I suspect development in the area forced them from more rural areas into the "suburbs". Most any solution is out....can't trap, can't shoot, can't have an electric fence. I just grow greens in the fall when I am motivated.

Best solution IMO is an electric fence. I have an Uncle who gardens out in the country and he finally broke down and got one because he could not grow much of anything because of deer. Now, wildlife is no longer an issue for him.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn