Originally Posted by gregintenn
Originally Posted by mjbgalt
.... a greedy [bleep] keeps a tight grip on Every dime so he can do better and better and pay just enough
to keep people from leaving.

Seen it too many times.

"Just enough to keep them from leaving" is actually the correct amount to pay. Labor is nothing more than an necessary evil
in providing a good or service.

so those that pay more generously with the business thriving are running the show the wrong way?

Originally Posted by william_iorg

So he was worth the raise but you let him go.............Hard to wrap my head around that one....

number crunchers often know the price of things but not the true value of them.

Its like them folks that say they cannot afford the accident insurance, yet seem to think they can still afford an accident .. grin

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.