The student loan system via Sallie Mae and Navient has developed into one of the worst farces put together by your federal government and the higher education system.
It has enabled universities to raise tuition and fees at rates many times inflation. It is generating profitability way beyond reasonable.
At the same time making promises to our kids that will not be kept, Go ahead and borrow $100,000 to go to a no name state school and get that liberal arts degree. Been telling high schoolers for 50 years that we need teachers. Welcome to a career that pays about the same as a hamburger flipper at MCDonalds, $30-35,000. or..$15 per hour.
Desperately need a reality check before taking on debt, not after the fact. Society (that's us) has failed way to many of these kids with this "easy money."
I really got PO'ed when one of my grandsons had to get special dispensation to drop high school academics to work on a trade (welding).
The VA is overwhelmed with veterans that have less than 2 years service. Many were lousy human beings before, were lousy soldiers, and we are now supporting them for life.
Vets that have actually seen action, and/or been hurt, deserve these sort of breaks. If you have not experienced shots fired in anger, then you are unlikely to grasp the price they've paid.

Imagine your grave on a windy winter night. You've been dead for 70 years.
It's been 50 since a visitor last paused at your tombstone.....
Now explain why you're in a pissy mood today.