I have wished very specifically in regards to two people in my life. One was a local cop who ran over a child with a squad car in front of his parents while they were filming his first bike ride. The cop was drunk, and beat the father pretty bad in trying to destroy the video. I wished stomach cancer on him, and meant it. Two years later, I heard he was dead- of stomach cancer.

Wished the same thing on a certain congresscritter, and he too passed, from the same disease. Anecdotal, and coincidental, to be sure. But I don’t wish things on people anymore.

But in certain cases, the news that a commie or traitor has contracted a terminal illness or died, brings me no sorrow, and indeed offers me some satisfaction. Call me a bad man, but i make no apology for being pleased at the misfortune of those who would harm me or those I care about. Why should I not celebrate the passing of an enemy? It adds materially to the welfare of my own clan, and as such is a positive and celebratory event for me. As is Ill health and suffering that compromises their ability to harm what I value. All this mealy mouth reluctance to be happy that an enemy is no longer to be a threat to one’s interests is absurd, There should be fireworks and massive parties when such a blight on the republic passes, not half staffed flags.

Last edited by OldGrayWolf; 08/24/19.