Originally Posted by JamesJr
As I stated in my earlier post, I can't stand Ginsberg, and wish she was not sitting there on the SCOTUS. But, I do have sympathy for anyone suffering from cancer, and that includes people like her. It's a slow death, often painful, and it's hard on the family as well.

I watched my grandmother take her last breath....leukemia.

I watched my mother take her last breath......cancer of the pancreas.

I watched my younger brother take his last breath......oral cancer that had spread all over.

I am currently watching my best friend battle what appears to be an aggressive form of prostrate cancer.

I have to have blood work done every 4 months because I had a test show the potential of multiple myeloma developing.

So, yes, I have seen firsthand what cancer can do a person, and how it can radically change your outlook on life. It can happen to anyone of us, and that's why it's not something I take lightly.

There are a lot of people in this world that I don't like, including some on this site. There's no doubt that the world will be a better place when they are gone. But, I also believe that there are times when we need to keep our thoughts to ourselves, and just let things work themselves out. Ginsberg's days are numbered, it's just a matter of time now, and even though I won't shed a tear when she is gone, I believe in letting her die in peace.

She doesn't want to die in peace or she would step down. Knowing Trump is going to pick her replacement won't allow her to anyway.