Originally Posted by xxclaro
Originally Posted by Fireball2
If there is something you can choose NOT to do it, (meaning it's a choice), how can you conversely then be a slave to it and unable to refrain from it? If I can say no to it, it's a choice.

Things like your heart beating or flaves eyes being 6" apart are involuntary.

Homosexuality is 100% choice.

I suppose one might say that about everything in life. Some people choose to be celibate, so if some people can do it i guess everyone could do it if they wanted to. I don't think most people could argue that the behavior is not a choice, it's more the predisposition towards it that is being studied.

Respectfully, they want us to believe they have no choice, that it's hereditary and that we should recognize the legitimacy of their mental illness, and embrace it as normal. It's not normal, it's sick. As far as being hereditary, we are all born sick and broken. Our upbringing and teaching hopefully mitigates the damage we might do to ourselves with our poor choices. Barring help from that, we'd all be doomed in one form or fashion to our brokeness.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack