I don't like it and it makes my stomach turn hearing about it but....



It is obvious that there a lot of closet homos here trying to defend their honor. Go be a homo and I don't care just don't push it on me in any way. Family friends have a kid that is gay. We knew it from the time he was 4. The brothers tried to beat it out of him and trust me, they worked him over good for many years. Nope, still gay. It is what it is.

The one that gets me is the fake gays that are all about attention. That rubs me wrong. Worse yet is the religious gays. Creating a cult to justify the rape of little boys really sickens me. Homos that become priests just to rape kids without impunity is the worst crime in the world. Burn em down.

Flame on.

Do not feed the bear!

White Bear sometimes treads on thin ice...