Every year in March we have a "coyote weekend" at our camp. 2 years in a row one of our members who is a fat, lazy, arrogant slob did something stupid that I made sure to recognize him for at out annual shareholders meeting.
The first time he launched his ATV over a dirt pile and broke his leg. So, at the meeting I made a speech about it and presented him with a set of gift wrapped training wheels.
The following year he shot a hole in the ceiling, overhead door and roof of our pavilion when he half-azzed checked the chamber of his 223 and pulled the trigger to let off the spring pressure. So, at the meeting that year I made another speech and presented him with a gift wrapped a pair of reading glasses and a bore light.
He failed to see the humor that all the rest of us did.

We also have a member who lives in Wyoming but was raised in our town. Every year he comes back for the first week of deer season. He pranks someone before he leaves camp just about every year. One year his victim was one of our senior members named Doug. Doug was not to be outdone. A bear had gorged itself on apples and took a big dump right by our powerhouse. It looked like a turd shaped pile of apple sauce. Doug scooped up the frozen poop and put it between 2 slices of bread and mailed it to our friend Wyoming. Never mess with old guys.

Wag more, bark less.

The freedoms we surrender today will be the freedoms our grandchildren will never know existed.

The men who wrote the Second Amendment didn't just finish a hunting trip, they just finished liberating a nation.