I was hanging out with friends this passed weekend and one guy told me when his brothers were young like 12 or so they would help their next door neighbor with yard work and both times the guy stiffed them and wouldnt pay them anything. The guy was a raging drunk and would start drinking in the morning. My friend told me he filled a a 40 oz beer bottle with his own urine and put it in the refrigerator after it was ice cold he gave it to one of his younger brothers and told him to give it to the neighbor who wouldnt pay them the money he owed them. About a week later the neighbor told his younger brother he would never drink that brand of beer again because it gave him horrible runs and he had to stay home all day the next day after he drank it. How he drank 40 oz of urine without noticing the difference is beyond me, but then again he was probably already drunk when he opened that particular bottle