Originally Posted by efw

.. There are many differences amongst Christian sects, but the Orthodox, Romanist, and (historic) Protestants
all agree on a set of small-c catholic (or universal) creeds including the Apostles, Athanasian, and Nicene.

Re; Apostles Creed and Athanasian Creed , ... did they actually become accepted/agreed upon by the Eastern orthodox like you claim?

maybe can you affirm your claim by telling when the eastern church officially recognized them.

As for the Nicene creed being accepted, its understandable since the vast majority of bishops in attendance were from the East.

Originally Posted by efw

One can agree or disagree with the substance of those creeds I have no problem with that, but if that isn’t Christianity then words
don’t mean anything at all except what the individual saying them says they do. ..

Nicene creed (325) the one that came about as result of threats, intimidation, bribery, vote stacking,
and the emperor [who called it] exiling those who did not endorse it.

only for its composition to be altered [have parts of it omitted and new parts added] at the 2nd Ecumenical Council; 381.

Then at the 3rd council (Ephesus; 431) the original shakey ground 325 creed was reaffirmed and a law put in place
to prevent it being altered again.

Who would seriously invest their spiritual faith/belief in that sort of corrupted,contrived political agenda garbage?

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.