Originally Posted by battue
Originally Posted by tikkanut

soooo......when did they change the PA deer opener to Saturday ?

Has always & forever been Monday after Thanksgiving

This year, and because of it we get an extra Saturday. The Kids and those who can't get off on Monday should love it. My one friend is beetching because he has nothing to do tomorrow at camp.
I like it, and I'm not that young, yet many of the old traditionalists don't. No matter what the Pa GC does, people beetch.. Whaaaa!!!!! Whaaaa! and falling alligator tears....

Saw 7 Does. Two friends got small 8's.
As you probably know, our season used to open third Monday of November here in NY. They changed it to Saturday a few years ago and many traditionalists whined and cried like little girls. They got over it, life went on and now most folks like the Sat. opener, particularly students and working folks. Working folks with limited time to hunt particularly benefit from it because now there are four weekends in the season whereas before there were only three.