Originally Posted by gwrench
I just finished this documentary. The guy had multiple things that messed with his head without a doubt. He gets no sympathy from me.

The show didn't say a lot about it, but I wonder about the effect of celebrity, being adored, rich, a fan favorite. It's got to mess with a person's ability to make good rational decisions. It wouldn't just apply to him either.

No doubt he was a celebrity but he wasn't a fan favorite. Welker was still there and The Gronk was there! Both held way above Hernandez. It could be part of it. But in my eyes the guy feed off of something much deeper.

He has no sympathy from me as well. But I am not one of those guys that kicks a guy while he is down. I see the bad he did clearly, I see the talented TE he was, and I see the split personality as well.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.