My best guesstimate is it wasn’t CTE, or Smokin dope laced w pcp, or being a celebrity or being gay or bisexual but some combo of all that created the perfect storm inside his head

What I find interesting is he sat in prison for 1 trial where he was found guilty & they were appealing

He sat through a second trial where he was acquitted

Now he has only the one conviction to worry about on appeal, had he been convicted in the 2nd trial he’s pretty much toast 🤷🏻‍♂️

So after sitting in prison for two trials he doesn’t off himself until the gay stuff is exposed.

Both worlds he resided in at work in the NFL, or hangin w the homies, being gay is not well received

It wasn’t till that happened that he decided to cash out 🤷🏻‍♂️

But there’s other things that could factor in, maybe baby mama told him she was gettin boned by one of his cronies 🤷🏻‍♂️ Or he’d run outa money to fund his appeal ?

I don’t know but it seemed to me he didn’t hang himself until he was gonna be exposed as at least a bi-sexual or in his worlds a queer

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.