Originally Posted by srwshooter
born again is so called christians use to say you can go your whole life living like a dirtbag treating people like chit and then right before you die be born again and everything is ok. I just don't think if we have a god to answer to,that it will work that way.

pre born again-I don't give a fugg about you
post born again- not giving a fugg doesn't matter

I’ve always found this a baffling argument even tho it’s so often cited in opposition to grace.

I think it sounds a lot better in a simple argument than it could be in practice. One does not go about life finding fulfillment in hurting others and then magically decide he is at the end of himself and cannot go on under his own steam.

I understand that the core of this argument is that a man can live as a louse and then out of mere fear of judgment run to grace but that gets at an issue prevalent inside and outside the Church.

Belief isn’t merely a verbal assent. It is deeper than that. We can say all we want that we believe A B and C or X Y and Z but if we don’t act in some fashion as tho we believe do we REALLY believe?

Western thought has managed to separate beliefs & actions but the biblical sense doesn’t allow that. Are we saved by grace alone by faith alone on account of Christ and His work alone for the glory of God alone? ABSOLUTELY! Will the faith in that reality result in a changed life? ABSOLUTELY! It’s all based upon a covenantally faithful God’s promises not upon our effort. That’s what James means when he says faith without works is dead...

Sorry guys.

Rant off.