The reaction of some to the term “born again” and the parable of the prodigal son strike me as related.

The older brother in that story bears a presumption that he has earned his place in the household and is therefore owed something greater than the prodigal. When his brother returns, instead of rejoicing over the return of one who was lost, he is jealous of his fathers celebration.

The cynicism over those whose life is turned due to God’s grace is likely a lack of understanding of the depth of sin on the part of EVERYONE, even those who are, compared to other men on a human scale, “ok” and therefore the amount of grace God has bestowed upon them as well as those they see as “worse”.

The fact is we have all sinner and fallen short of the glory of God. None seek God, all have turned to their own way. God has bestowed grace immeasurable upon all even tho we’d like to think ourselves less in need and more able to help ourselves than others.

One must be born again because we are ALL born into death and condemnation the first time.