When i lived in Meridian [Boise area] the locals seemed to love the idea of blacks coming there .
They seem to think it would ''cool the place up'' .
Two white teen girls in taco-bell taking 6 black boys/girls [6-9yrs old] pony riding/swimming/etc. then treating them to lunch . Overheard one on her cell phones bragging about it .

Wyoming same way when i went praire dog shooting there - guy told me montana was even worse with that stupidity .

Blacks be telling they people - move up to this mf'r these people will babysit yo kids and give them all kinda-ch-itt - free . Mogadizzu gone to the welfare to ax fo hardship munna to moves to bozza idahoes .

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.