Originally Posted by SamOlson
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Oh I don't mind if you ask. I used to be a heavy drinker. Loved my bourbon. I quit completely 6 years ago and haven't had a drop since. I also smoked cigarettes. Pack and a half a day for over 30 years. Quit those 10 years ago now and haven't touched one since. Used to drink two pots of coffee a day too. Quit that 4 years ago and don't drink any other caffeinated beverages either. Completely drug free now. How bout you ?

How do you feel now compared to then?
Not a whole lot different actually. A little older, slower and more tired but that's to be expected with age. There are still times I'd like to have some caffeine to wake my old ass up but it gives me irregular heartbeat so I don't. I don't spend the first hour or two of the day hacking up a lung anymore so that's a plus.