My workplace is in Oregon. Weed is legal in Oregon. But it sure as hell is not legal in my workplace.

We "weed out" about thirty percent of prospective hires because they can not pass the thirty day piss test.

All our new hires come through a temp service. Temp service says they piss clean before they send them over. We test 'em again at thirty days and roll 'em over to our payroll. You would think a jackass could go thirty days drug free when a $17/hour starting pay job with free medical, 15 days sick leave/year, vacation, pension, and 401K matching was on the line.

Typically only 20% make it ninety days and half of those are gone within 12 months. I guess a guy does not worry about cash flow when he lives in Mommy's basement, and she makes his car and insurance payments.

One thing Oregon's weed has has done for Idaho. The Idaho State Patrol is generating a ton of revenue with traffic stops on cars coming into Idaho from Oregon. The freeway is now patrolled by K9 units. If the dog alerts on the suspect vehicle, the driver is toast.

Apparently many dope smokers are not smart enough to obey traffic laws once they cross the border with their contraband.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.