Originally Posted by shaman
Given the task of being on alert for coyote and their ilk as targets of opportunity, what would you carry?

When we see these bastids, we're usually inside 50 yards. We've got a second or two before they're into cover.

Shotgun, AR, .22 WMR auto, or whatever you're best with inside 50 yds. I can't really think of a handgun I'd put on my list as a first choice. (Did you mean to post this topic in HANDGUNS? The PREDATORS AND VARMINTS forum is right below this one and maybe you clicked the wrong one?)

Rather than be reactive, go on offense. Start baiting them and shoot them over bait. If your state allows it, shoot them with lights at night.

Also, bring the dogs in for the night and put out some baited steel traps. For fun, have Moose and Mooselette design and build a box trap and see if you can capture one alive, unharmed. It can then become the bait, as it howls for help (again, if permissible under the law).


"Let's Roll!" - Todd Beamer 9/11/01.