Originally Posted by David_Walter
Embrace the concept of women in the military and start thinking about how to help them to be successful, ‘cause we’re not going back to an all male military EVER.

For the love of Pete, is that statement ridiculous.

The bottom line is that we are rich and powerful enough that we can afford women in the military(1). Same way we can afford to transpo bottled water to the middle of A-stan instead of relying on local water sources. Same way we can afford worthless & seemingly unending PC briefings to new recruits instead of combat training. Same way we can afford to start up billion dollar programs to replace aging gear and then abandon the program & flush the $billions. We have so much money we can get away with pi$$ing it away by the billions.

We can afford such wasteful extravagances TODAY. When we get less rich and our power wanes, damnfool notions that are costly and ineffective get tossed or kill the organization & country.

(1) In roles for which they are ill-suited/sub-optimal, etc.


“The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”
----Fred Rogers