Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter

The bottom line is, every man woman and child in this nation WILL get this virus in the next six to eight months.

IIRC, the other day you said 3-4 months, why has the time frame changed so much and so suddenly ?

do you still maintain at least 1% ( 3.3 million or more) of the population will die?

Lots of places are taking measures unprecedented in America in hopes of slowing the infection rate. If those measures are effective, there is hope of slowing the doubling rate.

I see no evidence to support that any less than 1% of infected persons will die. In 1918 the rate of death is reported as in excess of 2% of the world population. Every report I have been able to find puts C-19 very comparable to the Spanish Flu of 1918 in terms of contagion, morbidity, and mortality.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.