The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE!

ROME (Reuters) - The number of coronavirus cases in Italy is probably 10 times higher than the official tally, the head of the agency collating the data said on Tuesday as the government readied new measures to force people to stay at home.
“A ratio of one certified case out of every 10 is credible,” Angelo Borrelli, the head of the Civil Protection Agency, told La Repubblica newspaper, indicating he believed as many as 640,000 people could have been infected.

Conclusion FACTS:

1 - Death rate is one tenth what is reported.
2 – 59,138 (cases) / 5,476 (deaths) = 9.2%
3 – WRONG, the true number is .92% (<1%). And that is from an extremely old population with high co-morbidities (other high risk health issues/high death potential if they get virus).

The communists are falsifying the numbers all over the world.

The proof is starting to roll in.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)