SKane's second link shows AL deer have been stocked from Arkansas, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin....and from different locations in AL. AL shares fairly large borders with 4 different states and of course inflow from those areas should be considered as the expansion of deer ranges in AL has been massive across the state over the last 30 years. It's a real melting pot....but it ends up more like a tie dyed t-shirt than an even mix.

The info mentioned in one of the articles concerning the maternal side of genetics having the biggest influence on the rut because of a lower dispersion of does is interesting. Regardless, the wide array of times does may come in is going to result in a drawn out rut as bucks are going to be breeding even if the buck isn't at his "peak" rut regarding genetics...and the uneven doe/buck ratio leads to does being bred later which further drags things out.

It is what it is and makes interesting hunting. One thing I know, I need to shoot more does......I've got to make myself do this.