Index funds
Originally Posted by rem141r
vanguard s&p 500 etf

Respectfully, Index funds are not the smart(est) play right now. There are sectors getting annihilated right now that are easy enough to avoid. Index funds expose you to hotels, cruise lines, restaurants, airlines..... DOGS that are tanking. Any upside from the companies weathering the current storm will just be offset by the companies getting hammered. Why purposefully expose yourself to that?

When the economy is fine and no one sector is getting destroyed, I am 100% on board with index funds. But this is a unique situation.

To the OP: When this all plays out, and the reset button has been hit, and we start to crawl and claw and climb ourselves out of this, go index funds.

Until then, you really need to focus on the sectors that aren't on life support and can make it through this.

The DIPCHIT ADD, after a morning of drinking:

You despair, repeatedly, constantly! daily basis?
A despair ninny.
Sack up, despire ninny.