Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
If I had 15K to put in the market right now I would split it equally between EPR and RLJ-A.

EPR is a REIT yielding 18% (4.59 per year) and should recover to around $80 in the next two years.

RLJ-A is a non-callable preferred share (REIT) that yields 10.41% (1.95 per year) and will recover to $25 within a year.

I think you are one of the better, of not best, investors offering advice on this forum.

But can you explain your affinity for REITs? I have some family in real estate and they are getting killed. Hotels will be going BK. Housing starts are stalling. Honestly, hotels and commercial RE are two sectors I am avoiding right now. I don't think they've found a bottom and will still take some big losses. What am I missing?

I am better at oil. Please educate us! I am all ears!

Thanks Okie

The DIPCHIT ADD, after a morning of drinking:

You despair, repeatedly, constantly! daily basis?
A despair ninny.
Sack up, despire ninny.