I got a bit contemplative a couple weeks ago when I went to the grocery store at 3 in the afternoon on a Wednesday and it was super crowded. They had no paper products, the rice, beans, pasta, and canned goods shelves were empty, and there was very little meat in the case. Looks like they’ve calmed down now and the store was better stocked this last Saturday but still….

Living in the burbs of Dallas, I don’t like to think about what would happen if the vibrant community’s EBT cards turned out to be useless because there wasn’t enough food for them in the grocery stores. I haven’t started carrying a rifle in the truck yet but I did start carrying my CZ75 instead of the 1911 figuring the extra round count wouldn’t hurt nothing. If they do run out of food at the stores for any length of time, it’s probably gonna get a bit sporty around here.