Originally Posted by slumlord
I used to blanket subdivisions like a mini normandy invasion

If I knocked on your door, I was going to sell you a termite job, a flea treatment, a new roof, some replacement windows, some foundation or attic ventilation, a vapor barrier in your crawlspace, a monthly pest control contract, a deck, a privacy fence, tree work.

Them ones that have them No Soliciting signs, those schmucks are pushovers. They can’t say no. Hahaha

If you were rude, I sent my wife’s Uncle Harold out, he sold Kirby vacuums. Holy fugk, he’d rip you a new one. lol

I have met a few salesmen like you claim to be. The first one fugged me out of $1200 for a Kirby back in 1983 soon after our wedding and I was hoping to please the bride. But we really could not afford $100 for a vacuum at that time.

By the end of the month I figured out how badly I had screwed up, and have been absolutely immune to salesmen of any stripe since.

Knock on my door? Fug YOU, it's my house. Get the FUG out!

Call my phone? I'll do my best to keep you on the phone for a solid hour. But you ain't gettin' a dime out of my tight ass.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.