Originally Posted by MallardAddict
Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
If I remember off the top of my head, if the pump stops while you are out on the street....6% survival rate. They drag them to the hospital, so the criminal Industrial medical complex can build a ticket (charge insurance or the estate) tens of thousands

As usual you have not the first fücking clue and are talking out of your ass.

1. In the county I work it was about 22% save ratio in 2018 (last posted data) for bystander cpr and 66% for witnessed arrest in presence of ems.

Hey you mentally deranged cyber-stalker troll, I never stated in my post the patient would receive bystander cpr or witnessed arrest in presence of ems.

The 6% was clearly for a person IN PUBLIC dropping, and then who knows when a 911 call would be made, and that does not guarantee the closest station rolls, if the closet station is already running a call.

You posted a "perfect" scenario in your attempt to feed your mentally sick narcissism.

Screw off idiot. You're stupid.

No pumping is 6% survival.

B-fib is around 12% survival if they get there soon enough.

Your 22% is A FLUKE when compared to the national save percentages.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)