Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
Originally Posted by Pappy348
Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
Personally if you ain’t gonna buy American made I wish you’d take your family and move the hell out of my country.

Sorry, Sunshine, but I buy WTF I want from whoever I want, based on value received for my money. American-made is fine, but buying shoddy goods from companies wrapping themselves in the Flag only encourages them to continue making the same crap. Nothing noble or patriotic about it. Sometimes companies need a wake-up call, and some never hear it.

I wish I could have back the money I blew on schitt cars from GM and Jeep in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Finally got a pretty decent Ford just before the turn of the century. Competitive pressure from foreign models is what made
U.S. carmakers clean up their acts, not any sense of American pride.

I can only hope that applies to your meds too. Wanna know the real reason Zantac is off the shelf and up for legal claims? Wanna know why everyone with a Chernobyl metal Makarov pistol has health problems or is dead?

Buy and sell USA or get the hell out !

So what American made electronic device are you posting from?