Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by chlinstructor
And this:

“The police on the ground, carrying their bicycles like shields along with Tasers, pepper spray and tear gas, received cover from a garrison of officers on the nearby rooftop of the department’s 3rd Precinct, armed with tear gas launchers.”

Bicycles as SHIELDS ? WTF ???

They ought to bring in some of those Horse Back Patrols like New Orleans uses for Mardi Gras.

They’ll Fuqking run over your ass! 🤠

It's a technique used for crowd control and it's quite effective.

Not as effective as horses, but nothing is.

Horses may indeed be effective but Napoleon showed the world that nothing discourages a riot quite like a “whiff of grapeshot” when he ordered Murat to fire 40 cannons loaded with grapeshot into a crowd marching on the Tuileries to overthrow the National Convention in 1795.