Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by johnn

Probably not the first time and likely not the last, however you referenced "A LAW" .... and what law would that be....?

I don't think your problems can be solved via a forum.

Go watch "Let it Fall" on NetFlix.

If the light bulb comes on, you're welcome. If it doesn't, you'll be in the same place you started.

OK, your advice is go watch a movie to explain the law you refer to... good way to deflect..... The cop killed him sure as [bleep], maybe didn't plan on it, but he was so in-control of this bad ass MF and enjoying every minute of it......We dont need them, dont waste time, stop the riots, incarcerate his azz.... anxiously awaiting enlightenment... OH, yeah, go watch TV... fuggin A

For those without thumbs, it's s Garden fookin Island, not Hawaii