Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
People could debate what the exact perfect amount of force is under an infinite set of conditions. At the end of the day, he was in their custody, he went unconscious, they didn't notice, and they didn't render aid immediately. That was their mistake. The rest is speculation and opinion.

"They did not notice" is one hell of an assumption. I do not believe it. A more accurate assessment would be they deliberately ignored the fact that the perp had become unconscious and then dead.

I have never had to restrain a human. But I have restrained and assisted in the restraint of hundreds upon hundreds of large mammals ranging in size from 50 lb up to 1000 lbs. Not counting the tomcats nutted without benefit of anesthesia.

I guarandamtee when that 300 lb calf you are sitting upon quits struggling, you notice. And you better be doing something quick to make sure said calf starts breathing again. If not, you will be out of the cow business pretty quick.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.